About Us

Carl’s Donuts got its start in 1963 as a walk-up donut shop in the modified garage of a California motel.  Shortly after their California success, Carl and Lyn Sanders relocated to Las Vegas and opened up Carl’s Donuts in the local variety store, Wonder World, in 1966.  Having also found success in Las Vegas, they decided to expand to wholesale operations, supplying convenience stores in the area, which they continue to this day. However, as Carl’s Donuts grew on the wholesale side, their retail operations were put on hold, until now with the opening of Carl’s Donuts on Sunset Road.


“We want to bring back the simple elegance and nostalgia of a classic donut,” says Amber Ramsay, COO of Carl’s Donuts and granddaughter of the Sanders. “We’re not about making the trendiest, most over-the-top donut, we’re about focusing on quality to let the donut speak for itself.”